As part of our broad and balanced curriculum, we aim to equip all the children at Fairfield Primary with a range of hands on experiences and personalised learning opportunities to help them succeed in the future. We are passionate about providing enriched and engaging maths lessons through concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches. This supports children in their journey to develop maths mastery. We are dedicated in developing a love of maths through quality first teaching in engaging lessons that build on prior learning.
Throughout the year, all topic areas are covered from the Early Years Development Matters guidance and the KS1 and KS2 Maths National Curriculum. This ensures a consistent approach between year groups, building on facts and skills previously learnt helping them to achieve, succeed and enjoy!
Teachers across school, from Early Years to Year Six, follow the White Rose Maths schemes of learning to support their planning. This is a progressive document which ensures coverage and consistency throughout school. Teachers adapt sessions and resources to suit the needs of the children within their class helping them to develop their fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills.
Staff from Year Two to Year Six also deliver daily UFO sessions which provide opportunities for children to strengthen their confidence within fluency by solving calculations ‘Using the Four Operations’ (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).
Children from Year Four to Year Six also access Schofield and Sims arithmetic questions throughout the week giving them more opportunities to practise the four number operations in more complex problems involving logical thinking and allowing them to apply their knowledge and skills.
Our Early Years children experience maths daily through direct teaching as well as the provision available in the areas around the room. Teachers also take advantage of any opportunities that arise ‘In the Moment’ and support children’s learning through their own interests.
Pupils are assessed termly using the White Rose Hub assessments to help staff to identify any gaps in learning and provide support for those who need it.
At Fairfield Primary School, we follow and use the Schemes of Learning from White Rose Maths. For more information, please follow the link here.
Times Table Rockstars
Children from Years 1-6 can access the website with their unique log in details. Please click the link to load the website.
Mrs Hodgson, our school Maths leader, is happy to help and support you with any questions you may have regarding helping your child at home with their Maths work.
Take a look at the calculation policies below, to read about our agreed methods for teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication and division…
My Maths
My Maths is an interactive online teaching and homework service. Developed for teaching, practising and assessing children’s maths fluency across the school. Each interactive lesson is paired with online homework which means that we can easily allocate matching homework and quickly assess the impact of each lesson. By using My Maths, we aim to:
- Develops children’s skills, confidence and fluency in maths through lessons, homework tasks, and games
- Provide an important consolidating link between school and home, with access so parents can review their child’s progress